Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Khary Randolph

Khary like "atari" as my friend Samax sez.
Khary Randolph's work is sick. Bold, colorful, imaginative.
This dude's on something else.

Check out his site hereabouts:

Purchasing Comic Art

So I noticed that the Google Ads on this page often run a link for Splash Page Comic Art. I've actually bought from them at cons more than once. I purchased work by both Jock and ChrissCross.

So yep, I'm give them an unqualified thumbs up. They rep a number of great artists, know their stuff, and their website's clean and easy to find what you're looking for. In my opinion their prices are pretty fair, but I'm not really in the know so much anymore.

Check 'em out.

By the way, the above piece is by Chriss Cross and the original is for sale on the site.

Gezfry is one of the coolest illustrators I ever found online. This cat has a gorgeous eye for color and an unbelievable soft touch. You can check out his gallery at

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sam Wise at War

Sam Wise does some really gorgeous work on the covers of WarHammer.
From his Wiki entry:
Sam "Samwise" Didier is the art director at Blizzard Entertainment. He is responsible for creating much of the artwork for computer games in the Warcraft, StarCraft, and the Diablo series. He is the senior art director on StarCraft II.[1] Among the veteran Blizzard employees, Didier has been a consistent artist for many years, his unique style greatly influencing the game art

Here's a killer gallery of Sam's work:

Kevin Nowlan- great page

This gorgeous Batgirl/Joker image by Kevin Nowlan came from this great page I found by him.

Are you reading FREAKANGELS???

Freakangels by Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield has some of the hottest art on the web right now. I love Duffield's clearline style and beautiful colors. You can read a new episode of it every week at

Keown Smashes

Dale Keown is an incredible artist who's lent his touch to many great characters. But I will always love his Hulk stuff best. He captures the charater as well as anyone who's ever drawn him.

Check out more of Dale's work at

Why is Joshua Middleton so cool?

The sublime line and color work of Joshua Middleton blows me away. He's got a softer touch than almost anyone in the industry, yet still manages to create very dynamic, action-packed images.

I highly recommend you check out his site at:

It's got a bevy of beautiful drawings, sequentials, and sketches.


Of course it starts with Arthur Adams.

Sometimes you just need some inspiration. Surfing the web for great art can turn mixed results. You're going to land on as much junk as gems.

This blog will first off be a repository of great images.

It will second seek to connect you to more work by those artists who create them.

And third, for my own amusement and to get a discussion going, I will provide minimal comment.

Let's party.